Tort, Insurance and Reinsurance

The firm is highly experienced and specializes in the field of insurance and reinsurance both in Israel as well as abroad. The firm represents the leading insurance companies in Israel as well as foreign insurance companies in many insurance claims and in associated matters. The firm specializes in legal representation in matters of insurance, tort, liability suits, work place accidents, exposure to hazardous materials, property claims, professional liability and D&O liability. The firm's staff was and is still involved in the most complex insurance cases which are still being heard in various judicial instances.

Claims Regarding Pollution, Environmental Quality and Product Liability

As a direct result of the extensive experience accumulated by the firm in handling bodily injury claims in the wake of exposure to hazardous materials and product liability, the firm was appointed to represent various corporations in claims regarding exposure to hazardous materials and suits regarding exposure or damage in the wake of defective products. The firm handles some of the largest and most complex cases in this field.

Professional Liability in the Field of Engineering

The firm represents professionals in the field of engineering, including architects, metalwork constructors, assessors and engineers, regarding claims of professional liability. The firm is experienced in all matters related to handling such cases in the courts.

Representing Municipalities and Planning and Construction Committees throughout the Country

The firm has a large and experienced department that specializes in the legal representation of dozens of local authorities and planning and construction committees throughout the country, in particular regarding large scale tort and financial claims. Such claims encompass a broad range of topics in the municipal plane and in the field of planning and construction, licensing procedures, the execution of demolition orders, exhausting planning procedures, the liability of the Authority regarding safety, professional and general liability of the Authority, liability of the office bearers of the Authority, criminal procedures and personal claims against office bearers of the Authority.

Medical Malpractice

The firm is a leader in the field of representing doctors and medical institutes before judicial instances and before commissions of inquiry of the Ministry of Health. The firm handles hundreds of complex claim in this matter, both from the legal as well as from the medical aspects. The firm maintains direct and continuous contact with some of the most senior physicians in Israel, and specializes in interrogating medical experts and in risk management vis-à-vis various medical institutes.

Legal Representation, Mediation and Arbitration

The firm is highly experienced in the field of litigation and the firm's attorneys handle hundreds of cases being heard in the courts through the country in matters of arbitration, mediation and all types of judicial processes in various fields of expertise. The firm also has a great deal of experience in settling disputes via alternate ways, and Adv. Elrom has been appointed many times by the courts to serves as a mediator and arbitrator.

Financial and Contractual Claim

The firm represents clients in various claims related to contractual pretexts and to financial claims. Within this ambit, the firm represents both plaintiffs as well as defendants, and also represents insurance companies in handling subrogation claims in a broad spectrum of fields and topics.